Herbal Treatments for Lyme Disease

Unfortunately, with climate change increasing the prevalence of ticks that carry bacteria, we are seeing a greater number of people suffering from the symptoms of untreated Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) and crypto-infections such as BartonellaBabesia and others. If you suspect that you may have been bitten -and developed a red skin rash around the bite, and then another red circle surrounding this like a bulls-eye or target. Most rashes appear within 4 weeks of the bite. Your G.P. will treat you with an antibiotic for 4 weeks. Unfortunately not all people make a full recovery and are symptomatic even after their initial treatment. This is where herbal medicine can often help.


Essence of the Soul is part of Napiers the herbalists Lyme clinic, which is a group of herbalists working collaboratively to treat  Lyme disease and other crypto-infections with herbal medicine that is entirely centred around the patient.

We collect data about which herbs are used alongside conventional medicines to ensure that patients don’t experience adverse drug-herb interactions. We keep up-to-date with published clinical research in this area especially in regard to plant medicines, essential oils and nutrition, and attend crypto-infection conferences as part of our commitment to continuing professional development and to our patients

Essence of the Soul can help you with the following:

Integrative Medicine

Many of our Lyme patients are receiving antibiotic treatment from their doctor. Taking an integrative medicine approach, we work alongside G.P.s and infectious disease specialists to ensure that the herbs and supplements that you are taking are effective and safe. We are happy to share information about your herbal protocol with your health professionals, with your permission of course.

Herbal Medicine

Some patients are not able, or choose not, to take antibiotics. Many herbs have antibacterial action and certain herbs have been demonstrated in microbiological tests to have biocidal action against Borrelia burgdorferi specifically. We take a dual approach to the treatment of Lyme. We treat the infection itself and we also take a holistic approach to treating your symptoms. A herbal consultation lasts about an hour and we take a complete case history from you, asking questions about your previous health history as well as current health. Each person is different and your herbal prescription will be tailored to you. This is particularly important when treating Lyme as the symptoms can vary so widely, depending on the part of your body that the bacteria have affected. For this reason, we strongly advise you to have a consultation rather than self-prescribing herbs.


We are committed to furthering research in the herbal treatment of Lyme. As treatment is individualised it is hard to assess progress with conventional clinical trials, however validated assessment tools such as MYMOPS are available.

Lyme and Co-infection Testing

We carry Armin Labs test kits which include the Tickplex Basic and Tickplex Plus, as well as a range of EliSpot, SeraSpot and IcG/IgM blood tests for Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia, Anaplasma, Mycoplasma, Rickettsia, Erlichia, Yersinia, Chlamydia, viruses such as Cocksackie, HSV, HPV, EBV, and also various CD cell levels. The prices vary according to which tests you want. We can help you narrow down the selection by assessing your symptoms and probability of infection. Some tests detect the actual bacteria, some will identify your body’s production of antibodies.

Once you’ve bought a test we’ll send you the test kit. You just need to ask your G.P. to draw the blood for you, or, if your G.P. can’t help, we can arrange for a private phlebotomist. The NHS only uses the ELISA test which has a higher proportion of false negatives and only tests for Borrelia not the other infections.

Herbal Remedies for Lyme Disease

Alternative therapies for Lyme disease, such as herbal treatments and supplements, are effective in treating and further preventing the infection. We use a variety of different supplements and herbs to ensure you reach your full health again, including but not limited to cat’s claw, magnesium, turmeric, and others.

The herbal remedies we create for patients can be taken as tinctures, teas, tablets, or capsules, depending on the nature of the treatments and your needs. Herbal creams and ointments are prepared for external use for skin conditions or for joint complaints to assist with the relief of inflammation during treatment.


Glasgow – Napiers the Herbalists and Newton Stewart venue

Get in touch today to begin your herbalist healing journey, send an email directly to angela@essenceofthesoul.co.uk or call us on 07717 186647 to book your initial consultation.