The Importance of Managing Workplace Stress

Stress in the workplace is a common issue that can have detrimental effects on both individuals and businesses. While a certain level of stress is normal, prolonged and unmanaged stress can lead to burnout and other mental health difficulties. Small businesses, in particular, need to prioritise managing workplace stress to create a positive and thriving environment for their employees.

Understanding the Impact of Workplace Stress

When left unchecked, chronic stress can manifest in harmful ways, despite the fact that it is a temporary reaction to stressful events. The symptoms of stress in the workplace, such as hostile environments, high absenteeism rates, and low productivity, should be readily apparent to small company owners. Keeping a healthy work environment requires intentional action to address these challenges.

It is the responsibility of small business owners to assist their employees who are experiencing stress. Making appropriate accommodations, offering assistance and resources, and cultivating an environment of transparency and mutual support are all part of this. Businesses may better meet the needs of their employees and foster an environment that is conducive to health and happiness if they adopt a more holistic and person-centred approach.

The Benefits of Reducing Workplace Stress

There are several upsides for companies and workers alike when stress levels in the workplace are reduced. It has the potential to boost health, decrease absenteeism, boost output, and improve employee loyalty. Small businesses may foster a pleasant work culture that draws in and keeps the best employees by making health and wellness a major priority.

Strategies for Managing Workplace Stress

Owners of small businesses can alleviate stress on the job by actively listening to their staff, taking the time to plan and execute new projects, and encouraging honest and open communication. Managing stress in the workplace and fostering employee well-being can be greatly improved if companies take the initiative to foster a friendly culture.

Getting Started: Implementing a Stress Management Programme

While creating a stress-free workplace is an ongoing process, there are steps you can take to get started:

  1. Identify stressors: Work with your team to recognise common stressors in the workplace. This could involve surveys, focus groups, or informal discussions.
  2. Promote healthy habits: Encourage breaks throughout the day for activities that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for relaxation and recovery. This could include short walks, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
  3. Open communication: Foster a culture of open communication where employees feel comfortable discussing stress and seeking help from managers or colleagues.
  4. Prioritise workload management: Implement clear processes for delegating tasks and setting realistic deadlines. Overwork is a major source of stress, so ensuring a healthy workload is crucial.

Taking it Further

For businesses serious about creating a culture of well-being and reducing stress, forming a dedicated team and partnering with an external consultant can be highly beneficial. These experts can help develop a comprehensive stress management programme tailored to your specific needs.

By following these strategies and making a commitment to employee well-being, small businesses can create a thriving work environment that fosters productivity, reduces stress, and attracts top talent.

Workplace Wellbeing

Businesses have the responsibility of ensuring they provide ongoing support for their staff. This means reducing the overall effects of poor mental health support at work. Work is stressful for employees. In fact, according to the HSE, work-related stress and anxiety has only increased in recent years. Enabling employees to find an effective workplace wellbeing strategy is crucial to team morale and overall workplace wellbeing.

I offer my years of expertise in the form of mental health workshops to offices across Glasgow, helping workforces develop their mental awareness and put workplace wellbeing strategies in place to improve their mental health first aid.

Contact me today to discuss my mental health workshops, or read about my experience here.

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How My Mental Health Workshops Work

This is a workshop wellness program tailored to suit different businesses and consists of the following:

  • Alignment of Self – A technique to bring focus, balance and peace.
  • Feng Shui in business Space –  To enhance your immediate work environment to support you.
  • Vision Boards – Attracting your goals and dreams through sight and intention.
  • Meditation – Reduces stress and has many physiological benefits.
  • Therapy Sessions – Staff are offered a choice of therapies – reflexology, reiki and various massage techniques.

Businesses and Employers will benefit from:

  • Feeling less stressed, therefore making better-focused decisions.
  • Increase productivity, making fewer mistakes and errors
  • Less conflict in the office, making a positive and happier environment to work in.
  • Less sickness, absenteeism and staff turnover.

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Why is Wellbeing Important in the Workplace?

Stress at work, when left unmanaged, can lead to several impactful symptoms. These symptoms can affect your employees’ work, home, and social life. Increased anxiety caused by work stresses can cause:

  • Irritability
  • Loss of concentration
  • Depression
  • Exhaustion
  • Memory problems
  • Mood swings
  • Lowered sex drive

What Are the Physical Symptoms of Stress?

In addition to those many emotional symptoms, stress at work can cause physical issues such as headaches, sleep disturbance, back pain, and stomach aches. Physical muscle pain, especially in the shoulders, can be caused by unreleased tension. My reflexology, reiki and various massage techniques help relieve some of this physical pain.

Mental Health Workshop Prices


A personalised package will be outlined that is optimal for your business.

Prices will be discussed according to the needs of the business.

Areas I Cover:

I cover a range of areas, delivering a bespoke mental health workshop to a range of different businesses.

Glasgow – Napiers the Herbalists and Newton Stewart venue

For businesses, my workshops take place in your office, where we create a safe space at work for staff to discover and develop coping strategies and workplace wellbeing tools to handle the stresses of everyday working life, and help your team increase morale, productivity, and a deeper connection with one another.

Get in Touch

If you require more information or wish to book your appointment, please email me at

Alternatively, feel free to fill out my online form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can to discuss how my mental health workshops can help you and your staff.