Rainbow Room- Holistic Healing for Kids
Tailored specifically for children, we use a combination of reflexology, massage, breathing techniques and relaxation methods designed to support emotional difficulties, behavioural challenges and central nervous system disorders.
By teaching mindfulness techniques in one-on-one sessions, children are taught to tackle social and academic pressures. Parents or carers are kept informed and offered advice and support in promoting emotional resilience, confidence and self-help skills.
Massage training with Massage in Schools Program (MISP) is used to show children respect for each other.It also teaches them how to use massage in their school and home environment.
The Rainbow Room Children’s Clinic is suitable for children aged 5-16.
This treatment will be discussed as a program according to each individual’s needs and not as a one-off therapy.
Glasgow – Napiers the Herbalists and Newton Stewart venue
If you require more information or wish to book your appointment, please email me at angela@essenceofthesoul.co.uk