Home Meditation Tips for Mindfulness During COVID-19

If the current pandemic is making you feel anxious, or increasing your levels of stress, it may be comforting to know that you are not alone. With COVID-19 affecting all of our lives in some way or other, we may all be looking for a way to completely switch off and focus on our mental…

COVID-19: Remote and Video Consultations Now Available

Due to the changing situation of Coronavirus, I will now be offering my services remotely. I can offer remote consultations and treatments via Skype, WhatsApp, and FaceTime. This is ideal for my patients who want to continue receiving nutritional and herbal support, as well as healing programs during the lockdown. Please get in touch if…

Everyday Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle Event

At the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, we believe in promoting health and wellbeing at work, and as a lifestyle choice. Join us for a free talk and demo by Angela MacRitchie, our Holistic Lifestyle Advisor, on practical nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. Learn top tips to clean up your diet, information on nutrition and also…

Fertility Massage

Fertility Massage is a nourishing blend of modalities, that when combined bring harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive & sacral areas but on a  much deeper and probably more important level, it re-awakens and re-connects women to their bodies, especially their womb.   In the treatment is: Womb massage has lineage dating back thousands of…

Naturopathic Nutrition

Naturopathic Nutrition Angela is qualified in Naturopathic Nutrition through the College of Naturopathic Medicine. “We see optimal health as a state of deep nourishment where the body, mind and soul are all receiving the care and attention they need. In this state a sense of wellbeing and vitality is present along with the resilience to…

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is the use of plant remedies in the prevention and treatment of disease. It is one of the oldest forms of medicine and, from a global perspective, is still the most common form of medicine practised today. The history of Western herbal medicine, as opposed to Oriental herbal medicine, can betraced back to both the…